-Exhibition at Houston Center for Photography: link
-Arquitectura Viva Proyectos #98: link
-Revista ARQ #101: PDF
-We Make money Not Art: link
-Arco Madrid 2019: link 1, link 2, link 3
-Revista A PUCP: link
-Buenos Aires Photo 2018: link
-Time: link
-Magnum Foundation Fund Grantees 2017: link 1, link 2
-Oris Magazine # 102: link 1, PDF
-Blanton Museum of Art: link 1, link 2
-Catálogo "Intervención MALI": english, español, buy
-Examples To Follow: buy
-The World Atlas of Street Photography: PDF buy
-La Llamada del Destino: link
-Istambul Biennial: link 1, link 2, catalogue
-Imagista: interview
-Colección Arte Contemporáneo MALI: buy
-Arte al Límite 2012: PDF, english, español
-Sao Paulo Biennial 2012: catalogue, guide
-El Museo Como Pretexto: PDF
-Luis Montero: buy
-Arte al Paso: buy
-Unless You Will #16: link
-Laberinto de Miradas: link 1, link 2
-Forum Foto Sao Paulo: link